Vyncent is going to be a Laurel! Hooray! Of course he needs a new outfit. But wait, it is next month! How can he get everything together by then? Of course, by enlisting friends to help. So I started out volunteering blackwork embroidery for collar and cuffs. Of course, the ties would look better in the same thread so why don't I make those, too? And because I am such a control freak, why don't I just do the whole shirt as well? So, other projects are now on hold for the most part so I can put all my effort into finishing this. So far I have done buttonhole edging for 60 inches of collar ruff and 16 inches of collar embroidery out of 36 inches total needed.
Pattern: from da Sera, Domenico.
Opera Noua composta per Domenico da Sera detto il Francoisino.
Venice, 1546. As charted in
The New Carolingian Modelbook
by Ianthe d'Averoigne.
Material: single strand Soie d'Alger "Noir" silk thread on lightweight non-evenweave linen.
Of course, this qualifies as an A&S 50 Challenge project for depth in embroidery.