Here is my new bench in all its glory. It is patterned after numerous 16th century examples of benches. It is made from flatsawn white oak (because I couldn't find quartersawn of sufficient width where I live), fumed with ammonia, shellacked with 3 coats blonde and 3 coats orange shellac. I may put a final coat of varnish, or just wax it, I haven't decided.
The color isn't what my original goal was, but I like it well enough. I didn't think to use linseed oil before shellac, but tried it after on another project and it really made a difference. I think all future projects will have linseed oil before shellac. The shellac went on so smoothly and beautifully, it hardly needed any smoothing when I was done. I enjoyed using the shellac and the easy cleanup, I can see myself using this almost exclusively in the future.
The use of shellac is not period so it is not a true medieval finish, but I will be using this piece in my house and I wanted something that didn't have much upkeep. Also I am a novice woodworker and finisher and every project I plan is to build up my skill set so I can make furniture for my home.
Great job! It is light years better than my freaking chests...
Very nice bench!
Lineseed oil will give a nice finish - no fuming needed. A similar bench I made was finished with three layers lineseed oil only. It gives good protection from weather when using it outside. See
Thank you!
Peter: I think you are too hard on yourself, your stuff is beautiful.
Marjin: I looked at your website, and hopefully when I have made as many things as you have I will have made some that are just as nice.
Question - can you explain why you say shellac is not a period finish? Which period specifically do you mean, since I have it it was used at least in the 1600's :)
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