Monday, April 26, 2010

Slow work takes time

I realized that I haven't posted in a month! Still no workshop access, so not much going on in the woodworking department. Still raining off and on here, so no reliable working outside, alas. Meanwhile I keep plugging away on this cushion. It is slow going, and slow work takes time. The picture shows about 2/3 of it, I'm doing the pattern now and will fill it all in when that is done.


  1. Wow! That is gorgeous! I really like the mix of design elements :)

  2. It is going to be great when it is done - already it looks like a million!

  3. Hello, while I was searching the web about medieval textile, I found your blog so I wanted to let you know that Spoonflower website organise a contest about medieval fabric, you may like to participate.

    Best regards


  4. @ papier*chiffon: Thanks for the info. I don't know if I have time to enter, but I'll be looking at the results!

  5. My wife has done some of the brickstitches shown on your blog. Its great!

    Another thing I found a brand new book on amazon on embroidery which might interest you. It is in german.

    publisher: verlag schnell und steiner
    Europäische Stickereien 1250-1650
    European Embroideries 1250-1650 (English Summary), Katalog des deutschen Textilmuseums Krefeld Bd. 3
    (author: Uta-Christiane Bergemann)
    edition: 1
    publishing date: 17.09.2010
    colour illustration: 366 Illustrationen
    B/W-illustrations: 85 Illustrationen
    number of pages: 400
    Format: 21 x 28 cm
    weight: 1870 g
    ISBN: 978-3-7954-2399-5
    49,90 EUR
