Saturday, April 14, 2012

First side of brick stitch purse finished

In a natural setting in all its glory, here is the finished side of a new purse. As usual (since I am still using up a large back stock) it is 3 strands of Soie d'Alger silk thread over 32 count linen. The size of the purse was dictated by the size of linen fabric I had handy in my stash, and I am going to make the other side in a completely different pattern. The colors will be the same and the source of the pattern will also be a Burgundian medieval tile roof. My reason for deciding to do a different pattern on the other side is that I wanted to be able to make an example of another pattern without having to wait until I finished an entire project. I am really not as patient as people sometimes think I am. : )

I'm so glad it is getting to be springlike! These flowers were really cheap at Trader Joe's and I couldn't resist buying them.


  1. Hi, I have been to kloster Isenhagen and Wienhausen in Germany this year. Both convents have very nice embroidered medieval altar cloth and tapestries from the 14th and 15th century with various forms of brick stitch patterns. I have posted photos I took from them on my blog ( I hope you find some new patterns in them, as you make lovely brick stitch purses.
    regards Marijn

  2. Thank you so much, Marijin! You have a fantastic blog, and I love the pictures. It is one of my dreams to see Klosters Isenhagen and Wienhausen.

