It's been a while since I posted but I have been busy. Here is one thing I've been doing, working on patterns. There are a couple of patterns, #12 and #13, that I haven't posted yet but I did make them. They'll be published later. On this handout I list my website, www.medievalartcraft.com, but it doesn't exist yet except as a domain name. That's coming up as well.
I LOVE your brickstitch patterns! Can I give some user feedback?
When I was doing my brickstitch pouch, I found similar patterns online but I couldn't use them as they were. I had to rechart them because without grid lines, it's very difficult to work out how big each stitch should be, that is, should it be worked over one, two, three or four holes/stitches.
Adding grid lines to indicate how bit the stitches should be would be really helpful.
Please keep up the great work, I love these patterns (and I normally hate counted work but I love brickstitch!)
I had to practice a bit when I first started using this type of pattern as well. I am proficient now but there was a definite learning curve.
One of the problems with doing patterns differently is that I am not super computer literate and I will have to learn a whole new computer program to make patterns with gridlines. It took dozens of hours to learn to use the program I am using and it will take many hours (along with angry exchanges with boyfriend when I ask for help then lose patience) before I am proficient.
Right now I am in pattern development mode and I want to get patterns done while I am on a roll. After all, I am trying to do 50 patterns as one of my A&S50 goals. Later, after I learn the other program, I will redo all the patterns with gridlines. *sigh* I wouldn't be surprised if it takes me until next year to get to that.
Thank you for your feedback. I am not offended by well meant criticism as it helps me learn and I really do want my stuff to be the best it possibly can. Without feedback I feel as if I am tossing my stiff out into the darkness so it is great to hear from you.
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